Happy Birthday Daddy

July 17th. It’s always a bittersweet day for my family. I'd like to think that today we would've been gathered around a birthday cake singing my dad the "Happy Birthday" song today. But instead it's a day filled with a feeling of heaviness as my dad passed away when I was just a little girl.


He was very much into photos, especially being in them. For that I'm thankful. I can't imagine not having any photos of my dad to look back at. I love seeing the photos of my mom and dad together when they were first dating as teenagers.


I can't say that he was much of a photographer himself, but he did value capturing memories. When my sister was born he went out and bought my mom a very expensive Nikon camera. Maybe that's where I get my love of photography from.

All I know is, being able to capture your family's love and special moments is such an honor to me. Especially since I know how valuable these photographs will be to you and your loved ones down the line.

To all my moms who are always behind the camera or don't want to be in front of the camera for whatever reason, I'm pleading with you to please make an effort to get in more photos with your loved ones. They will thank youfor it later. Trust me.

Toniann McGill