Toniann McGill Photography

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Fort Lauderdale Newborn Photographer | How to prepare for your newborn session

9 Tips to rock your newborn session

After months and months of waiting to meet your new little one they’re finally here! You’ve given birth, made it home from the hospital and now you’re ready for baby’s first portrait session. As those first few weeks (let’s be honest, sometimes months) can be exhausting after bringing baby home, I will take care of everything regarding your booked newborn session. However, there are a few things you can do to help ensure the success of your session! You’re investing time and money into this session and I want you to love your images now as well as years down the line. 

  1. Turn the air up - naked babies get cold and cold babies cry. To help keep your baby nice and content during the session keeping them warm is key. I do bring a small space heater but it’s also helpful if you can turn the air up to about 75-77 degrees during the session.

  2. Try to keep the baby up for at least 30 - 60 minutes before your scheduled session time. Keeping baby up prior to the session often helps ensure that they’ll be extra sleepy during the session. Giving the baby a bath can often help. I know this can be difficult early in the morning especially when you’re tired, so if you’re not able to keep the baby up don’t stress it.

  3. Hold off on feeding the baby as close to the session time as possible. Usually, after newborns have been fed it sends them into a deep sleep. This is the sleep we need for the session. If you can extend their next feeding to as close to the session time as possible that would be great. Side note: please don’t be alarmed if the baby feeds more during the session than usual, it’s completely normal and will not become their usual. They’ll get back to their feeding routine with no issues.

  4. Dress in solid, neutral, muted colors with a snug fit. Avoid excess fabric, large logos, patterns and bright neon colors. For moms, I have a selection of dresses in neutral colors that work great for newborn family shots. I know most moms don’t exactly feel camera ready after literally just having a baby but don’t worry I will only shoot flattering angles. And most poses are usually very tightly framed to focus on the baby. For makeup, you can go as full glam or natural as you prefer.

  5. Clean fingernails for both mom and dad, please! Your hands will be in focus in a lot of shots. A manicure is great but bare nails are fine also. I just ask you to please remove chipped nail polish and remove any dirt underneath.

  6. Items to have handy - Have something of sentimental value you want to include? Your wedding rings, a hand-knitted blanket, a special family heirloom? Just let me know at the beginning of the session and I will do my best to incorporate it! if using a pacifier and/or bottle for formula or breast milk please have this available for me.

  7. Please disclose any allergies, illnesses or developing skin conditions prior to the session date with the pediatrician’s consent if needed.

  8. After feeding your baby, only dress them in a diaper and blanket or item of clothing that is loose fitting and does not go over the head.

  9. You will have about an hour and a half to get ready while I work with the baby until newborn family photos are taken. If siblings will be photographed, then we will do group photos first.

And there you have it…. My 9 best tips to help ensure a successful newborn session. My sessions are dependent upon the baby’s cooperation. If a baby is not able to be settled we will have to call the session. Luckily I’ve never not been able to get a full gallery of images!